Umbased Accreditation and Profile of University of Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya - campus of Muhammadiyah University of Tasikmalaya , University of Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
, we know that tasikmalaya City has a good religious education from
early childhood to college in Tasikmalaya City quite complete because
there is an education system that puts forward the religion of Islam and
information technology which updates proved with its many pesantren -
pesantren in In Tasikmalaya City, there are so many santri who become
graduates because in Tasikmalaya City can be called education center.
the city of tasikmalaya itself can even be called as the center of
education The greatest Islamic religion in eastern priest because it
joko widodo Indonesian president has been to this district of
tasikmalaya cipasung because of the value as a good example of
education. UMTAS
Well because we are discussing the topic that is being discussed in the
talks of Tasikmalaya University of Muhammadiyah Campus then we will
review the University of Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya , umtas .
Here I Show Photos Campus University of Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya :
Umtas accreditation can be seen below;
For other Accreditation Departments I have not been able to get info
that accreditation or not yet yes then please can directly come to
I show Faculty Umtas below;
Umtas, Department Umtas, Address Umtas, Entry fee umtas, stikes
muhammadiyah tasikmalaya info, entrance fee university muhammadiyah
tasikmalaya, majors umtas tasikmalaya, tuition fees muhammadiyah
tasikmalaya, details umtas fees, tuition umtas tasikmalaya, umtas
tasikmalaya 2017
Address : Jalan Tamansari Gobras No. 29, Mulyasari, Tamansari, Mulyasari, Tamansari, Tasikmalaya,
West Java 46196, Indonesia
Phone: +62 265 2350982
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